Van Gogh Tour in Auvers-sur-Oise

If you’re a lover of art and history, a Van Gogh Church Painting Tour in Auvers-sur-Oise, France, should be on your must-visit list. Auvers-sur-Oise, a village located in the outskirts of Paris, holds a significant place in the world of art as it was once home to Vincent van Gogh during the final months of his life. Let’s go to an immersive journey through the landscapes and landmarks that inspired Van Gogh’s iconic church painting.

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The Connection with Auvers-sur-Oise

Auvers-sur-Oise became a second home for Van Gogh, and it is here that he created some of his most celebrated works. We explore the reasons behind Van Gogh’s choice to settle in this serene village and the impact it had on his artistic expression.

After his stay in Arles and then in the psychiatric hospital of Saint-Rémy de Provence, Vincent van Gogh settled in Auvers-sur-Oise. His brother Théo, worried about his health, encouraged him to meet Doctor Gachet, a painter himself, who agreed to take care of him. During the two months that elapsed between his arrival in Auvers on May 21, 1890 and his death on July 29, the artist produced around 70 canvases.

In his letters, Vincent Van Gogh evokes his sufferings, his suicidal thoughts and his will to persevere, not being “master of (his) existence”, wishing “learn to want to live, even when suffering”. A sign of his ever-present Christian faith. Indeed, Vincent van Gogh was a believer, a Bible reader and was even an evangelist.

A trainee preacher for an evangelical mission, he was however quickly removed from his post. His propensity to strip himself of material possessions in order to give everything to the poor and follow the example of Christ was considered too radical. This failure led to a long period of depression and will be decisive in Van Gogh’s choice to devote himself to painting. Although he broke with the Church, reading the Bible continued to mark his life. In one of his last letters addressed to his brother Theo, Vincent evokes a letter which was for him “like a Gospel, a deliverance from anguish”.

The Church at Auvers by Van Gogh PARIS BY EMY

Van Gogh Church Painting

One of the highlights of the Van Gogh Church Painting Tour is the series of church paintings created by the artist during his time in Auvers-sur-Oise. We take a closer look at Van Gogh Church Painting “The Church at Auvers,”, l’église Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption.

This work and others of the same genre illustrate the artistic influence of Van Gogh on the expressionist painters: here the distortion of reality is flagrant. Its deformations and the refusal of perspective characterize expressionist works. The plastic choices of van Gogh announce the works of the fauves and the expressionist painters, and move away from impressionism.

This painting is the only one that Vincent van Gogh devoted to the church of Auvers. This church, built in the 13th century in the first Gothic style, flanked by two Romanesque chapels, becomes, under the brush of the artist, a flamboyant monument. If we compare this painting with the Cathedrals of Claude Monet, painted shortly after, we measure what separates van Gogh’s approach from that of the Impressionists.

Nature played a profound role in Vincent van Gogh’s life and art. We explore how the natural beauty of Auvers-sur-Oise inspired him and discover the spots where he set up his easel to capture the stunning landscapes on canvas. Vincent van Gogh’s legacy continues to live on, not only through his paintings but also through the lasting impact he had on the art world.

A must see : Van Gogh’s room in the Ravoux Inn

On 20 May 1890 Vincent van Gogh moved into the Ravoux Inn for 3,50 francs per day bed and board. He had room number 5, a simple attic room of 7 sq. meters, lit by a sky light.
On 28 and 29 July 1890 Theo van Gogh was present during his brother Vincent’s last moments. Out of superstition the landlords never again rented out this “room of the suicide” which occupied such an essential place in the artist’s spiritual universe.

This haven of peace where “there is nothing to see… but everything to feel” has remained untouched since 1890. The room is empty. You cannot find the slightest relic to touch. You just stand there and feel…the presence of history.
The room next-door, number 6, was occupied by another artist, Anton Hirschig, who knew no fame. Its spare and spartan furnishing gives an idea of how artists lived at the end of the 19th century.

This journey ends in the neighbouring attic room with an audiovisual projection In the Footsteps of Van Gogh. It retraces the artist’s stay in Auvers-sur-Oise via his paintings and correspondence, and a selection of contemporary photographs. The video has been designed by Dominique-Charles Janssens, President of the Institut Van Gogh, to enable the visitor to discover Auvers-sur-Oise through the eyes and the talent of Van Gogh.

Van Gogh church painting tour in Auvers-sur-Oise

In conclusion, a Van Gogh Church Painting Tour in Auvers-sur-Oise is an enchanting journey that combines history, art, and nature. Walking in the footsteps of the great artist, surrounded by the picturesque landscapes that inspired his genius, is an experience that every art lover should cherish. Enjoy a Vincent van Gogh church painting tour in Auvers-sur-Oise with a private driver.

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