|Salvator Mundi Mona Lisa|

Salvator Mundi and Mona Lisa : The fabulous Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, the Savior of the world and La Joconde also called Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum in Paris. Salvator Mundi is a painting attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, though its authorship has been a subject of debate among art historians and experts. The painting depicts Christ as the Savior of the World, holding a crystal orb in his left hand while raising his right hand in a gesture of blessing.


Salvator Mundi only without Mona Lisa

Salvator Mundi, Leonardo da Vinci’s 500-year old mystical masterpiece, was sold for US$450,312,500, a new auction record at Christie’s, after 19 minutes of bidding, in New York, on November 15th, 2017. The winning bid was placed by Christie’s Alex Rotter, on behalf of his client.

It is a painting of the most iconic figure in Christian Faith by one of the most important artist of all time :

  • Salvator Mundi is the name given to representations of Christ carrying an orb in his left hand while using his right hand to bless. The composition emphasizes the significance of Christ’s earthly mastery.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath whose areas of interest included invention, painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, and cartography.
  • Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Salvator Mundi, painted circa 1500. Oil on walnut panel. Panel dimensions: 25 13/16 x 17 15/16 in (65.5 x 45.1 cm) top; 17¾ in (45.6 cm) bottom. Painted image dimensions: 15⅜ x 17½ in (64.5 x 44.7 cm) versus Mona Lisa 30 in × 21 in (77 cm × 53 cm)

Created around 1500, the work showcases characteristics of Leonardo’s style, such as delicate sfumato (a technique of subtle blending) and intricate attention to detail. However, questions about the painting’s authenticity and the extent of restoration work have led to controversies regarding whether it is entirely by Leonardo or partly the work of his workshop or assistants.

Salvator Mundi & Mona Lisa similarities

Salvator Mundi was painted at the same time, in the 16th century during the Renaissance period. Like the Mona Lisa is from the 16th, La Joconde can be seen in Paris at the Louvre. From both of them, there is this mystery emerging thanks to their master, the genius of Da Vinci. Both of them are portraits, alike in their composition. They both disappeared to reappeared. Both of them hold this power of a mystical universe.

You may see the Salvator Mundi in The Louvre Museum of Abu Dhabi or not but you can see Mona Lisa, at the Louvre in Paris and many others major paintings from Da Vinci and masterpieces from other amazing artists.

The Musée du Louvre has 8 departments: paintings, Greek – Etruscan – Romane antiquities, Egyptian antiquities, oriental antiquities, sculptures, works of art, art of the Islam, graphic arts, and the detached house of the clock (history of the Louvre).



Mona Lisa only without Salvator Mundi

La Joconde is at the Louvre. This portrait was doubtless started in Florence, Italy around 1503. It may be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of a Florentine cloth merchant Francesco del Giocondo. Thus the alternative name of the portrait, La Gioconda. However, Leonardo da Vinci seems to have taken the portrait to France with him. Indeed, than giving it to Francesco del Giocondo who commissioned it. It came to be in the French royal collection.

Among the Louvre Museum, there is “The Wedding Feast at Cana”. From 1563, Renaissance period, it is the biggest painting of the Louvre, by the Italian Veronese. With the Wedding Feast at Cana, Veronese transposed the biblical episode to the sumptuous setting of a wedding. This is where Jesus had His first miracle. When the wine was running low, He asked the servants to fill the jars with water. He then offered them to the master of the house, who found that the water had been turned to wine. This miracle is in the Gospel of John.

Have a private tour of The Louvre museum.


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